About Us

At Certverifcation.com, integrity means being true and authentic to our code of beliefs. It means that others can rely on us to act consistently and honestly, in accordance with this code. To operate with integrity requires us to have a clear understanding of what we want to achieve, and what we hold as most important, and to maintain harmony between these objectives and values, and our decisions and actions.We are not prone to act in the moment to maximize short term benefits, to make choices based on emotion rather than rational consideration, to ignore little concerns when the overall proposition is attractive.Operating with integrity requires us to choose the more difficult path, in the short-term, in order to get to where we really want to be in the longer term. We understand that integrity is the centrality of our business model and brand position.

To help people make productive decisions by providing real time verification and authentication of qualifications and documents.

To constantly achieve customer intimacy by providing innovative solutions for recruiters, academic and professional discourse communities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Certverification.com is a platform for verifying academic and professional credentials of potential and existing employees by employers, recruiters and academicians. More often than not, employers, recruitment agencies and academic institutions go through a lot to ascertain whether the qualifications of their staff or candidate are genuine.


This service removes the obstacles employers go through to validate credentials. Additionally, the portal offers the assessment of other vital information apart from the educational verification. Our system offers:


Verify the educational background of the potential and existing employees.

Search for potential employees with key skills.

Access remarks of former employers.

Based on previous verification and searches, a recommendation list can be previewed.

Reports on Industry case studies related to employment, training and the job market.

Reports on Industry Skill Gaps to employment and training.

Reports on new discipline introduced in the academic discourse community.

News on Fraudulent job candidates.